100 Themes Poem: “Maman Marie” in French and English

100 Themes Poem "Maman Marie" by Randi Anderson

The 100 themes are back! As I’m doing this Forty Days of Verse challenge for Lent, I’m finding I need a little extra inspiration to keep up the daily poem habit. So why not combine it with a challenge I’ve already started? Today’s poem was inspired by the next theme on the list (a long time … Read more…

Not Just for Polyglots! Why You Should Try Writing in a Foreign Language

Foreign language? … Say what? Trust me, it’s not as crazy as it sounds, nor as far out of reach as you may think. Let me make one thing clear, right from the beginning: you don’t need to speak like a native, or even have advanced foreign language skills. You simply need to know enough to string together coherent … Read more…